Monday, August 9, 2010

There is no vacation from pops

Sorry for no bloggy blog, but I was actually somewhere where you NEED to eat Pops to stay cool -- the very hot and sultry midwest. Mama bought me a ZOKU which should really speed the R&D efforts. And speed it did. But BEWARE -- they are not kidding when they tell you not to fill past the fill line. I spent quite some time on the front porch in 90 degree heat trying to coax my pops out of their frosty caverns.

Peaches and Cream --- Half and Half (turns out that makes for much creamier pops than Skim Milk, duh) and fresh-o-licious peaches. Blended some peaches in with the cream, left some out for chunks. Mama asked for more sweet, but I think they were lovely au naturel. K claims agave might help (what a hippie) and I'll try it next time.

Ginger and Strawberry -- the key here was muddling the strawberries into the ginger beer, which released more sweetness. And a dash of lime juice. Spicy and heavenly in front of the campfire.

Watermelon vodka -- epic pop fail, but made for very tasty slushies. Still trying to get that alcohol ratio right...

Wash Post Pops are Hot via Kelly
Wine on a Stick via Kelly AND Jen (these girls know my favorite things)


  1. I'd like to preorder a ginger and strawberry. Make it three as Eve/Shiv want in on this taste testing process. However, they would also like to not request one for Sean as they are not thrilled with his lack of book of faces.

  2. I found a theme song for you. Check out 'Popsicle' by NKOTB. Maybe I'll contribute an iTunes download to your effort.

  3. I want a rootbeer pop, and the fake wine from ikea would make great pops! mmmmm lingonberry!

  4. all fantastic ideas children. tonight i'm making a special treat (with a hilarious name) and maybe i'll nkotb during.
